豐收神學院 Harvest Seminary
3681 West Linne Road Tracy, CA 95304 | 408-430-7788 | HarvestSeminary@ gmail.com
3681 West Linne Road Tracy, CA 95304 | 408-430-7788 | HarvestSeminary@ gmail.com
Watch The Chosen for Free
An encouraging songs to soak in:
我們的課程是免費向公眾開放。 請考慮捐款支持我們,讓世界各地提供這項服務。 謝謝!
Thank you to all who donated to Harvest Seminary! We are a non-profit organization/school.
Please consider making a donation to support our work and free access to our videos! Thank you!
If you have any questions or want to become a student, please give us a call.